Strain Review by Tony: Ruby

Strain: Ruby

Grower Name: Tony

Medium: Ffhf /cocco

Nutrients: Fox farm line uo

Lights type and schedule: Mars led

Days from Seed: 80

Harvest Points: I tested at 10wks was very tasty, fruity. 10 days later after flush chopped started turning purple. Was beautiful

Dry Yield (grams): 20

Growth Comments: Grew in half litr pot on the side of my photos pretty much 12/12 from week 2.

Comments on smell (during growth, harvest, etc.): Smell was awesome….. Very frosty….. Very little care to get quality buds….. Was a real Christmas gift for all who celebrated with me. My last bud in jar was so fruity smelling but weeks later turned to incense/fruity..

The Smell: Fruit, Incense

The Smoke: Was awesome, solid bud, fruity full body smoke, purple trich covered very sticky but oily

Method of Delivery: Vape, Bong, Joint

9 Taste Inhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)

9 Taste Exhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)

5- ideal State of Dryness (Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)

8 Smoke ability (Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth)

8 Smoke expansion (Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-expander)

The High: In the body and head, melted away anxiety and pain… feel good with a bit of couch lock towards the evening

Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

 The Dosage (number of hits taken to reach desired effects): Half a jibbie will do for hour or so

2 Effect Onset (Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper)

8 Potency (Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating)

Hours the effect lasted: 1 hour high 1 hr comfortably chill 

2 Tolerance build up (Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid)


Rate on a scale of 1-9 where 1 indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and 9 represents the ideal time of day.

6 Morning (wake up)

6 Day (work)

6 Evening (relax)

9 – ideal time of the day Night (sleep)

8 Overall Satisfaction (Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail)

I am a Medical cannabis user, Recreational user

If you are a med user, describe briefly your health conditions and how this strain affects them

Back pain was forgotten after each use….. Helped with neuropathy in foot….. Most importantly did not race my heart….. Cardiac friendly

Rate the noticeable medical and negative effects (if any) on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe.

6 Sense of well being

5 Euphoria

8 Anxiety relief

8 Paranoia relief

4 Sex drive

7 Sleep

8 Pain relief

8 Ability to rest or sit still

5 Thought process

5 Speech process

5 Imagination/creativity

5 Humor perception

5 Visual perception

8 Audio perception

8 Taste perception

8 Appetite stimulant

3 Introspective dreaminess

4 Confusion

4 Altered thinking and memory

3 Bloodshot eyes

7 Reduced coordination and balance

2 Dry mouth

Final Comments: I loved this little plant….. Wish I would put in bigger pot, always choose the best seed to make side plant…. Uggg she deserved a better home….. Have one left I won’t make that mistake again…. My plants suffer from summer heat so it’s nice to get a fall plant that works out so nicely…..

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