Strain: Amnesia Stone99
Grower Name: Tony
Breeder: Stone
Medium: FFHF soil
Nutrients: FF trio, cal-mag, molasses sea weed stuff
Lights type and schedule (indoor): Galaxy hydro mars reflector led 18/6
Days from Seed: 63 lower branches and 77 for upper branches
Harvest Points: 9 week and 11 weeks
Dry Yield: 66 grams
Growth Comments: Was a wide bush of a plant, topped, was nice and green for entire grow no deficiencies. It was very hot in tent, a lot of other strains got beat up from heat not a taco leaf on any branch of Amnesia Stone99.
Comments on smell (during growth, harvest, etc.): Smell was bland until I snipped some branches at 9 weeks after messing around you could smell the funk… had the same hard time locking down what I was smelling at harvest. I dried in brown paper bag for 9 week cuts, put in Tupperware and smoked on vac. Nice orangy taste, light easy to toke. Got me a bit confussed when smoked alot of 11 week cuts dried on line in ac room. Been in jar for a week, tried some yesterday and today – not much smell until ground, then has citrus smell of tangerine and orange. Buds look awsome, green with alot of orange in the buds… great bag appeal.
The Smell: Citrus, Orange
The Smoke: The smoke is light and refresshing… I can rip big bong hits and not cough up a lung, smoke all day in my one hitter for acouple days now and although I was sleepy I wasn’t couch-locked, I was able to pry myself up n finish a grueling day of work. In a jay it burns slightly fast but taste so good.
Method of Delivery: Bong, Joint
7 Taste Inhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)
7 Taste Exhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)
3 State of Dryness (Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)
9 Smoke ability (Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth)
4 Smoke expansion (Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-expander)
The High: Nice active high in the head only felt in body after smoking it most of the day. Early cuts caused me a bit of confusion when trying to concentrate.
Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off
The Dosage: I’d say 4/5 puffs. I take one hitters through out the day and sometimes one is all ya need to adjust your work day attitude.
2 Effect Onset (Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper)
6 Potency (Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating)
2 Hours the effect lasted
1 Tolerance build up (Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid)
Rate on a scale of 1-9 where 1 indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and 9 represents the ideal time of day.
9 Morning (wake up)
9 Day (work)
5 Evening (relax)
3 Night (sleep)
7 Overall Satisfaction (Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail)
I am a: Medical cannabis user, Recreational user
If you are a med user, describe briefly your health conditions and how this strain affects them
Got me nice and happy… who has time to focus on pain when in such a good mood… can’t really say it helped much with the back pain I have but it mentally had me in a good way. Doesnt seem to bother my heart condition either… early cuts sometimes do.
Rate the noticeable medical and negative effects (if any) on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe.
8 Sense of well being
5 Euphoria
7 Anxiety relief
3 Paranoia relief
8 Sex drive
2 Pain relief
2 Ability to rest or sit still
8 Thought process
5 Speech process
6 Imagination/creativity
8 Humor perception
2 Visual perception
2 Audio perception
2 Taste perception
7 Appetite stimulant
9 Confusion
6 Restlessness
2 Anxiety or panic
3 Bloodshot eyes
3 Reduced coordination and balance
2 Increased heart rate
2 Dry mouth
Final Comments: Have 1 more seed and can’t wait to grow again. It was a pleasure to grow but a treat to burn… so many orange hairs and orange taste hit the spot. Nice yield for small 1 gal container, maybe try bigger pot next time. If ordering seeds I say put this one on your list.