Strain: Stone Dragon
Grower Name: South Syder
Breeder: Stone
Medium: Coco
Nutrients: BioMix Bioponic nutes.
Lights type and schedule: Mars Hydro 150W LEDs x 2
Days from Seed: 76 – 80 days
Harvest Points: Late harvest. Both examples I grew could’ve been harvested at least ten days earlier but I like a narcotic stone… and these deliver!
Dry Yield (grams): 85-90 grams
Growth Comments: Stocky Affy morphology, healthy dark leaves, begin alternate phyllotaxy around 45 days and power-push buds on all nodes. Easy strain to grow, practically grow themselves, just keep the nutes up to ’em and watch the pH.
Comments on smell during growth: Smell was heavenly! Deep, pungent, narcotic scent; very heavy, very distinctive, totally addictive and I miss it!
The Smell: Sandalwood, Liquorice, Pepper, Pine, Cedar, Hash, Spice
The Smoke: Harvested deliberately late and the high is as expected: heavy narcotic body buzz. Great pain killer, sleep aid, and the taste of these things can fool you into overindulging – then watch out, it’s nigh night dragon time!
Method of Delivery: Joint
[9] Taste Inhale
[10] delicious Taste Exhale
[5] ideal State of Dryness
[8] Smoke ability
[4] Smoke expansion
The High: Very potent, very Affy. A little trippy at first then soon mellows to a comfortable couchlock. Reminds me of mixing Lebanese black hash with old school thai stick. This is near enough my definition of the perfect high!
Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.
The Dosage: One straight joint will put you on your ass!
[2] Effect Onset
[9] Potency
[2-3 hours] the effect lasted
[2] Tolerance build up
Rate on a scale of 1-9 where 1 indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and 9 represents the ideal time of day.
[2] Morning (wake up)
[1] Day (work)
[8] Evening (relax)
[9] Night (sleep)
[10 – Holy Grail] Overall Satisfaction
Do you personally consider this strain a keeper for long-term use?
I am a Recreational user
If you are a med user, describe briefly your health conditions and how this strain affects them
Not med user.
Rate the noticeable medical and negative effects (if any) on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe.
[6] Sense of well being
[5] Euphoria
[8] Anxiety relief
[8] Paranoia relief
[2] Sex drive
[8] Sleep
[9] – severe Pain relief
[8] Ability to rest or sit still
[5] Thought process
[5] Speech process
[6] Imagination/creativity
[5] Humor perception
[6] Visual perception
[7] Audio perception
[8] Taste perception
[5] Appetite stimulant
[5] Introspective dreaminess
[2] Detachment from reality
[3] Decreased reaction time
[3] Altered thinking and memory
[4] Bloodshot eyes
[4] Reduced coordination and balance
[2] Increased heart rate
[5] Dry mouth
Final Comments: Ordered with high (pun intended) expectations, beans arrived fast, plants practically grew themselves, amazing yield, amazing buds, perfectly satisfied. Just can’t get better than that. I’ll have dragons in my cab all the time. These things are a staple strain and I can’t imagine anyone being less than ecstatic with their performance. Great job Stone!