Strain review by Radagast The Oz: Black Stone

Strain: Black Stone 

Grower Name: Radagast the Oz

Medium: DWC Hydro

Nutrients: Advanced nutrients

Lights type and schedule: 660hps/120rd led/25w tbar led.

Days from Seed: 90+

Dry Yield (grams): 112 -150 ( x2 harvest)

Growth Comments: I would say she was very very well behaved I saw no signs of deficiency’s or lockouts. I ran her in a rdwc setup cycling around 400 ppms through late veg and bloom.

Great looking marbling and form.

The structure of her was really uniform excellent over all shape and hight with plant of side branching.

My lighting was a little stretched, however I still managed to pull loads of prime bud!

Adding little but often to the header always maintaining range to accommodate another smaller plant in the system.

Comments on smell (during growth, harvest, etc.): Amazing smells of fruit spices and fuel/chemical aromas **very odorous. Great smell at harvest really overwhelmed with diesel and fruit!!

The Smell: Haze, Diesel, Earthy, Berry, Fruit, Nutmeg

The Smoke: The smoke is amazing no sharp flavours. Full mouth creamy hit.yet like spices and sweet like fruit, Really love this smoke for relaxing.

Got really well with good coffee or hot chocolate!

All together very different.

The high is very strong and not a creeper however does seem to match the full flavours in a smooth yet very forward.

Couch lock is inevitable at that point as you crave more but unable to physically respond hahaha.

Method of Delivery: Vape, Bong, Joint

10 – delicious Taste Inhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)

10 – delicious Taste Exhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious)

5- ideal State of Dryness (Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)

10 – smooth Smoke ability (Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth)

10 – expander Smoke expansion (Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-expander)

The High: strong couch lock effects very potent.

Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

1 -2 joints The Dosage (number of hits taken to reach desired effects)

1 – immediate Effect Onset (Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper)

10 – devastating Potency (Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating)

3 Hours the effect lasted

6 Tolerance build up (Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid)


Rate on a scale of 1-9 where 1 indicates the worst time of day to consume this strain and 9 represents the ideal time of day.

1 – worst time of the day Morning (wake up)

1 – worst time of the day Day (work)

9 – ideal time of the day Evening (relax)

9 – ideal time of the day Night (sleep)

10 – Holy Grail Overall Satisfaction (Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail)

Do you personally consider this strain a keeper for long-term use


I am a Medical cannabis user

If you are a med user, describe briefly your health conditions and how this strain affects them

Really great relaxing mind expanding however isn’t really good if you have any plans. Great strain for chilling out :)

Rate the noticeable medical and negative effects (if any) on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe.

8 Sense of well being

9 – severe Euphoria

9 – severe Anxiety relief

9 – severe Paranoia relief

9 – severe Sleep

Final Comments: As always another bomb strain from Autoflower Portal. Stunning genetics very powerful high, great yield and absolutely delicious smoke!!


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