Category Archives: Autoflower

Medical Cannabis Research News – part 4

[responsivevoice_button]` This is another part of Medical Cannabis News, which is dedicated to a research on colon cancer and mechanism of tumor inhibition by THC. Colon cancer research International teams of Italian and British researchers have studied the effect of standardized Cannabis Sativa extract on colon carcinogenesis. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer […]

Strain review by Tutu: Black Stone

[responsivevoice_button]` Strain: Black Stone Grower Name: Mr.Pickles Breeder: Stone   The Smell: Earthy, Berry, Floral, Menthol, Mint The Smoke: After 8 weeks of curing the smoke was very strong and pleasant. Method of Delivery: Joint 8 Taste Inhale (Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious) 9 Taste Exhale (Rate your impression of the taste […]

Strain review by Lost in space: Fairy Stone

[responsivevoice_button]` Strain: Fairy Stone Grower Name: lost in space Breeder: Stone Medium: promix 66% and coarse#4 perlite 33% Nutrients: Veggnig – sugar beet molasses, espoma garden tone, ff big bloom, sea salt, cal/mag and azomite. Bloom – bat guano, tiger bloom, bio bloom, azomite. Lights type and schedule: 20/4 for two and had to switch to 16/8 […]

Strain Review by Eyes on Fire: Sour Mango

[responsivevoice_button]` Strain: Sour Mango Grower Name: Eyes on Fire Breeder: N.W The Smell: Floral, Mango, Pepper, Fruit, Melon, Pine, Grass, Sour, Coconut The Smoke: This one smells some of mango… very nice too btw. This smoke is very nice. You have to remember I’m a fully living organics grower so the terps and smells are far […]

Cannabis development – part I

[responsivevoice_button] This part of cannabis research is dedicated to cannabis development and the effect of microelements as N, Cu, K, and P. What is the effect of copper on cannabis roots? A research team from Italy has investigated the effect of cooper on cannabis root development. They have used 150 ppm CuSO4. Copper is an […]

Cannabis as pesticide

This is a short overview of one not very popular cannabis application – as repellent and pesticide. Cannabis has been planted as a companion crop to deter insects, nematodes, fungi and weedy plants. Interestingly dried leaves and flowers, plant extracts and pure cannabinoids are known to repel and kill insects, mites, nematode, fungi and weeds. […]

TLC and cannabinoid profiles

What is TLC? Thin Layer Chromatography or TLC is a popular method to determine how many components we have in our mixture. It is also used to identify a specific compound in the mixture. The components are separated based on their chemical structure, molecular weights and polarity. In order to do so it is recommended […]

Cannabis chronicles: Cannabis in North America

[responsivevoice_button]` In Chris Bennett’s book Green Gold:  Marijuana in Magic and Religion he says, “there is some very good physical evidence that indicates cannabis played a part in some of the native cultures prior to the arrival of Columbus.”  In 1985, Bill Fitzgerald discovered resin scrapings of 500-year-old pipes in Morriston, Ontario containing “traces of […]

Cannabis book club

In case you wonder what to read next we have prepared some suggestions for you based on book ratings of the online reading community, Goodreads. Top position is held by the book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”. “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” is the authoritative historical record of “Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana” by […]

Cannabis chronicles: England Before 1800

[responsivevoice_button]` The earliest records of hemp usage in Britain comes from seeds found in a Roman well in York. Pollen findings in parts of East Anglia suggest that hemp was grown throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. Considering the British climate researchers suggest that the hemp was grown for fibre production. There is also one reference of […]

Autoflowering Cannabis in the Forest Garden

Introduction We are in an increasing need to figure out a sustainable future. The population is creating a greater demand on  resources.  And they are running low… or at least definitely getting more expensive! A time for action We are realising the stupidity of import/export of food and necessities when resources are available close to home. […]

Cannabis museums tour

Let’s start our journey through cannabis museums from Europe, and more specifically Berlin, Germany, where is located the Hemp Museum. Hanf Museum, as it is called in German, is exclusively devoted to the agricultural, manufacturing and industrial as well as legal aspects of the use of hemp. The aim of the exhibition is to do […]

Strain Review by CLMonkey’s Patient: Jade

Grower Name: CLMonkey Breeder: Stone The Smell: Earthy, Mango, Pine, Musk, Woody The Smoke: Smoke at 6 weeks cure was full bodied and slightly expansive, but not harsh. Tastes of vanilla and pine. This patient has been asking for more, so I gave them a good bit of my stash. Method of Delivery: Vape [9] […]